Different Products is a services company with a great reputation.
Our name stands for reliability and excellent value for money.
Different Products is very focused on the needs of its customers. We have developed a global network of agents, each assigned to cover a major country, geographic zone or industry sector. The Different Products team works hard every day to service and support our customers, in their own native language if and whenever possible. The Different Products network spans all major continents and most major countries.
We are proud of the fact that most of our clients have been with us for a very long time, proof that we are able to consistently follow through on our promise of product development and delivery on budget, in time, every time.
Finally, Different Products prides itself in its professionalism and ability to help its clients achieve their commercial goals quickly, and efficiently…at great prices!
Different Products is headquartered in Hong Kong.
Different Products was founded in 2001.
We offer: