Coffee as a new product line
After years of toying with the idea, Different Products has been given the opportunity to enter the specialty coffee market. We will be handling only the best of the best, meaning the most mystical and fabled coffees the world has to offer:
- Jamaica Blue Mountain
- Kopi Luwak
- Hawaii Kona
- Mindanao Gold
- Kenya AA
- Panama Esmaralda
We have installed full blending, roasting and grinding capabilities in our Hong Kong trading house. At the moment we are using a Q-Certified Roast Master to help us with the coffees, but our internal capabilities will grow as we fill in the business and develop over time. We will also probably launch a coffee-specific trading name soon, so stay tuned!
We are very proud to enter the coffee market with these product lines and are looking forward to making a lasting and positive contribution to the coffee industry. We love consuming the product and it has been a long cherished dream of ours to do this. Coffee is a real passion for us.